Friday night was also the Diplomat's birthday celebration. He was having a joint party with two friends at a bar, and we met up to drive together. Because of the whole night and day spent with the Blues Man, though, I was hardy even running on fumes. I called ahead to the Diplomat and warned him that if he wanted me to be at all functional that night, I was going to need some coffee. He met me at the door with it- major points for him (and a major caffeine boost for me).
I was a little nervous about hanging out with the Diplomat's friends, as I had no idea what to expect. They were all very nice, though! I love meeting new people- I tend to get along with almost anyone, especially when there is beer involved. There were a disturbing number of men in the bar, though- there were probably not even a half dozen women there for the party, including a birthday girl!
I found out that one group of friends there with another of the joint birthday-ers were grad students at the same university as me, though they are in computer science. One of them in particular was super cute, and I flirted with him for a while. It was really funny when he pointed out his faculty advisor to me, who was also there. The advisor told me I should race the other guy to finish our programs, as maybe he'd finally be rid of him.
The Diplomat and I had a lot of fun, and he really came to my rescue when one of his friends cornered me and was asking all sorts of weirdly personal questions, especially for someone you'd literally met less than an hour before. I leaned over to the Diplomat, whispered “save me,” and he made up an excuse to have me come up to the bar with him. Phew, disaster avoided.
As the Diplomat and his friends decided to leave the joint party head to another bar, I tried to find the cute CS guy I'd been flirting with earlier, but I only saw his friend. I didn't want to lose my chance, though, so I asked if he would give my number to his “cute friend that was wearing a black shirt.” He said no problem, and I wrote it down on a piece of paper. Then I headed outside to catch up with the Diplomat.
Outside, I saw the CS guy standing with another group of people. Then his friend who had my number came outside, with the slip of paper in his hand. He leaned over to talk to....the faculty advisor! I heard him as “who's this?” and the friend pointed me out. I couldn't very well go over and say “oh, that wasn't meant for you,” so I decided to roll with it. I can say, though, I've never managed to give my number to the wrong guy before! At least I saw that it went to the wrong guy- it would have been horrible to go out with the advisor thinking it was the CS guy until I got there and saw him. I haven't heard from him yet though, so I doubt anything is going to come from it.
One of the Diplomat's friends gave us a ride back to his place, and I collapsed into his bed. I'd been up for 23 hours at that point- sex could wait.
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