I've been such a bad poster! Between schoolwork and going on dates, I haven't had time to write about them! It's left me with a two week backlog, which I am going to try to rectify ASAP.
I spent a lot of time with the Dreamer the week before last. He needed to borrow a tall ladder from my roommate, so he came over Saturday to pick it up. I'd had a date planned with the Diplomat but wasn't feeling well, so when the Dreamer came over, I invited him to stay for dinner. I know, it might seem strange that I wasn't feeling good enough to see the Diplomat but wanted to see the Dreamer, but that's the difference between a boyfriend and someone I'm dating. When I don't feel well, I want my boyfriend there to cuddle with.
My roommate's friends also came over that night for dinner. The Dreamer was really nervous at first about interrupting them and (in his words) “bringing the party down” because he was exhausted after a long week of work, but we convinced him to stay, and all ended up having fun. I was feeling well enough by then to have some of the fancy cheese and delicious red wine- it would take a lot for me to not be well enough for that! Unfortunately, we also had champagne to toast one of my roommate's new jobs. Red wine + champagne = not a good combination. I thought I was going to spend the rest of the night with the Dreamer holding my hair back.
He had to leave in the morning for some more project work (thus the ladder-borrowing), but came back Sunday evening for some fun- dyeing easter eggs! None of us (me, the Dreamer, or my roommates) are “believers,” but just like Santa doesn't belong only to the Christians, we decided we could enjoy the fun of easter eggs without having to believe in any of the easter things to go along with it. Before he got there, my roommates and I went out for clown cones at Baskin Robbins. The Dreamer wasn't answering his phone or my texts about when he was coming over, and I was starting to get annoyed, so I almost purposely didn't get him a clown cone. I changed my mind, though, so I wasn't a totally heartless girlfriend.
Red wine, easter eggs, and clown cones. Three ingredients in the making of a great weekend.
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